Sunday, December 7, 2008


Hey Everyone! We are so glad to announce our ENGAGEMENT!!! We (Danny and Dani) have been dating for 7 months today and this past Friday, on the 5th of December at approximately 7:35 pm , Danny proposed. It was sweet and simple, just like us. (For more details...ask :D)

Anyway, this blog will be your information source for everything engagement. (i.e. pictures, countdowns, updates, registration information, and any questions you might have for us.) Please, give us your feedback. We'd LOVE to hear from you. Don't be shy. If you would like to send us your address for fear of us not having the right one, send it and any other questions or comments to OR Also, if you have any suggestions or advise for us, don't hesitate to share. Thanks for visiting and come back soon. We will try our very hardest to keep up.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Hi Danny and Dani:
The 2 of you look great. Great smiles. Remember them always. Take care of each-other.
T-Bone and Kitty