Tuesday, December 16, 2008

So, for the next 3 weeks, Danny and I have to be apart. It's rough, but thanks to the miracle of modern technology, we can still feel like we're only two minuets away and that we'll see each other in the morning before Geology. However, it does prove to be a bummer every morning. Over the break, i (Dani) will be working hard to earn enough money to pay rent for next semester. I work at a jewelry store in Gillette, Wyoming. Jewelry stores, in a smallish town, during Christmas season...wee. Danny, will soon be traveling to Utah to take part in his brother, Geoff's wedding to a lovely Sarah Butler. Oh how I wish I could be there. I am glad though that each of us will be somewhat busy. This makes time pass just a little quicker each day 

1 comment:

Meg said...

Hey congratulations you two! This is Megan, Danny's bud from high school. :) Your blog is awesome. I hope you don't mind if I follow along and put a link to yours on my blog. Ours is www.nateandmeghymas.blogspot.com. Hope time goes fast for you guys this break! You can make it. It was nice to see you over the break Danny!