Sunday, January 25, 2009

Week 3

We've been back in Rexburg for 3 weeks now and my, how time flies. Danny and I have been trying to balance everything from school to wedding plans to work and the lack there of. Here's a bit of a recap of the last three weeks.

-Sweet Reunion, move in, start school (Danny), start job search (Dani & Danny), Seattle for Geoff and Sarah's open house, home and back to school and job search, Danny starts work as on campus grounds crew, check out potential married apartments, more school (Danny) and endless job search(Dani), Natalie's wedding in Utah, home, back to school and work and job search, WEDDING PLANNING, definite decision on apartment (it's a yes!), continuing job search, first set of engagement photos, registration at Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond (so fun!) and church today.

Few! It's been a crazy 3 weeks. I still don't have a job but I have a lot of support and prayers behind me so I'm confident something will come up. Danny is doing so good at school. He is such a good little book worm. We are finding that everything that was supposed to be hard, is hard. We are so grateful for all of the support we have behind us and we're confident that when the time comes, everything will run smoothly.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

fianlly over, and now it begins.

it was a long break but now we're back to Rexburg and back to real life. There is so much to do and seemingly not enough time to do it in. Right now, our main concern is find a job. Neither Danny or I have a job yet so tomorrow we will be job searching. Danny doesn't start school til Wednesday so that gives us at least a little bit of time to get trivial things taken care of. Also, we have a new addition to our school family; my brother Mitch. This is his first semester at Byu-I so, naturally, feel it necessary to take him under our wings. He'll have a life in no time with Danny and I on the case. Also, our lovely new Buddha will be keeping us company. Thanks Geoff.